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Category: NICE Interactions

40 blogs

How the Four V’s of Big Data Drive Performance and Consistency in Call Center Data Analysis

Performance and consistency in business can only be created with innovation and inspiration. TransUnion recently worked with us to produce a tremendous Nexidia Analytics success story, where they worked first to meet the Four V's of Big Data, but then they challenged NICE Nexidia to meet the same criteria from the standpoint of data analysis: Velocity (the pace of incoming data); Volume (the amount of data generated); Veracity (transparent, objective analysis); and Variety (omnichannel sources, structured and unstructured). Read on to learn more about how Nexidia Analytics met TransUnion's high standards.

Leading the Experience Revolution

Creating and perfecting customer experiences is a cornerstone for NICE, and Interactions 2018 was a great opportunity to reinforce our commitment. Interactions was where the 3000 customer service professionals we welcomed in our events in Orlando and London shared their stories about how they are evolving their businesses, delivering impactful results, and most importantly about how they are making their end-customers' experiences richer and more meaningful by embracing Cloud, Analytics and AI.

Customer Experience Zen and the Art of IVR Maintenance

IVR interactions account for over 70% of contact center traffic and more than 80% of customers are dissatisfied with their IVR experience, yet less than 10% of organizations are now investing in IVR optimizations. Those who address this critical component of the customer experience stand to reap a considerable return on their IVR investment. We joined with Forrester Analyst Art Schoeller to discuss the importance of IVR optimization, and its role in meeting the demands of today’s customers.

AI, Neural Networks, and Analytics…Oh My!

Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Analytics are all used when describing today’s technology. It sounds impressive, but it’s important to understand what they mean, how they relate to each other, and how applying it to contact center operations creates a new level of business intelligence from which to make decisions.